Getting the most out of a Urinary Sheath System

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A Urinary Sheath, otherwise known as a condom catheter, conveen or external catheter are a popular solution for male bladder leakage and can be a more discrete and comfortable alternative to incontinence pads.

However, negative perceptions of a urinary sheath can be that they are difficult to use and prone to failure and is a common barrier to them being more widely used.

Here we go over the key things to ensure that a urinary sheath system can be used effectively.

Correct Sizing is Key.

One of the reasons why a urinary sheath may come off in use is incorrect sizing. It is important to use a measuring guide and get the correct size for you. Place the cut outs of the measuring guide over the widest part of the penis. The cut out that fits the closest will provide an indication of what size sheath is best for you. If you happen to be between sizes, obtain samples to see which fits best.

Maintaining integrity of the skin is one of the key advantages of using a urinary sheath over pads. However, this will only be the case if you look after the skin. Using a barrier wipe before putting the sheath on will prep the skin, offering a layer of protection as well as maximising the effectiveness of the sheath in use.

Choose the Right Style.

Urinary sheath come in different styles, as well as sizes, to ensure the best fit for you.

standard style has centrally positioned adhesive and is suitable for those with an average length penis.

pop on style is a shorter length sheath with a maximum adhesive area, suited for those with shorter length penis.

Finally, a wide band style is a standard-length sheath with greater adhesive area to maximise security for those who are more active and have trouble keeping standard sheaths in place.

Change the Urinary Sheath Every 24 Hours.

Sheaths should be changed every 24 hours. This can be done with warm, soapy water. If the adhesive is proving difficult/painful to remove, you can use a medical adhesive remover which works to dissolve the adhesive and allow for the product to be removed without pain and without tearing or damaging the delicate skin tissue.

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